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  • Writer's pictureThe Countess

Anemia Glasses


It has been days since I awoke. Adjusting to this conscious state after such a long sleep has been turbulent. The estate appears to be in order but these new "El-ee-dee" lights (as they call them) are far too bright and have been causing me much discomfort. I sent away for a pair of spectacles to be made to shield these new harsh illuminary foes that have been perched upon my gilded walls.

I call them the Anemia Glasses. Delicate and elegant, I am most sure these will help to comfort my tired eyes and add a level of sophistication to my wardrobe.



.Countess. - Anemia Glasses

-Unrigged unisex 100% original mesh accessory

-Texture change is activated via a touch of the glasses

-Gold and Silver frame options

-Gems & lenses come in matching shades of Black, Crimson, Indigo, Violet, Green, and Clear

-Mesh is one object and easily resized via the edit controls for a precise fit for all avatars


Released at the .Countess. Store and on Marketplace

Demos are available in world and on Marketplace.

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